WIPO designated states analysis - development over the past 10 years

We’ve analyzed the designated states that have applied for PCT patents through WIPO over the past decade for you. All data as of June 28, 2023 has been taken into consideration. Find out why efficiency and convenience also left more time for applicants to decide on countries to further apply for patents. Among the designated states, the United States, China, and Japan are also the countries with the most patents involved, reflecting the fierce patent competition among these three countries. Read all about it in this Biweekly Report. 

In 1978, the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) came into force. Since then, more and more patents have been applied through this route. On the basis of efficiency and convenience, it has also left more time for applicants to decide on countries to further apply for patents. In this report, the focus will be on analyzing the designated states that have applied for PCT patents through WIPO over the past decade. All data as of June 28, 2023 has been taken into consideration for our analysis.

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