Monday IPDate May 20, 2024
World IP news: from Japan and KoreaPatent news
JPO holds the Five Industrial Design Offices (ID5) Mid-Term Meeting and ID5 Hague Workshop
The Japan Patent Office (JPO) held the Five Industrial Design Offices (ID5) Mid-Term Meeting on April 24 as the host office for this year’s meetings. The ID5 includes Japan, the United States, Europe, China, and Korea.Participants discussed the way forward regarding the ten cooperative ID5 projects, and the two new project proposals.
Patent news
Korea and Cambodia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Deepening Cooperation in the Field of Intellectual Property
At the summit between Korea and Cambodia, the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on deepening cooperation in the field of intellectual property, covering areas such as trademark examination, information technology, education and training, and sharing experiences and tips on intellectual property protection.