Monday IPDate May 8, 2023

World IP news: Statistics from WIPO and SAIP

Patent news

WIPO released COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics patent landscape report

This Patent Landscape Report on COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics is part of the WIPO COVID-19 response package to assist member states in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic and building back better as part of their sustainable post-COVID economic recovery efforts.

Patent news

SAIP Received 5,837 Patent Applications from inside, outside Kingdom in 2022

In 2022, the SAIP received 5,837 patent applications from inside and outside the Kingdom, along with 51 requests to expedite the procedures for examining patent applications. In the same year, the SAIP also recorded 40,287 trademark applications from inside and outside the Kingdom and 838 requests for voluntary registration of copyright works, reflecting a 30.33 percent increase from 2021.